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Hot Chapters from Gap Pink Theory

Gap Pink Theory is an adult LGBTQ romance fiction that has been widely recognized and adored for the extraordinary and fascinating story of how love has found its rightful place between two lost souls.

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Part 1: Storyline of Gap Pink Theory

The story starts on the first day of Mon’s new job as an intern at the highest-grossing company, utterly excited and feeling a bit on edge as she’s about to enter the most anticipated chapter of her life. Because apart from the most sought position she miraculously encapsulated, she’s also looking forward to meeting her idol and the source of her inspiration.

For years that she stayed nowhere near her radar, and admiring her from afar, she’s finally acquired the opportunity to see her face-to-face and to finally hear her natural voice. Not just from the screen or the speaker of her laptop anymore.

However, there’s one problem that she didn’t expect to encounter.

Khun Sam isn’t approachable as she envisioned her to be. She has established quite a problematic reputation and a bleak impression on her employees. As the remaining descendant of Thailand’s royal family, Khun Sam bears a significant title that automatically demands the highest form of respect and honor.

That and her position in the company made her aura extremely intimidating and unwelcoming. It’s understandable on her part, though. If there’s one person who knows and accepts her better, on all sides, no one can compete with Mon as she already memorized every tidbit of information about her and the outline of her overall personality.

That’s why it became a shock and unexpected that the Khun Sam she knew seemed to have disappeared and was not quite the same anymore.

Gap Pink Theory - Sam and Mon Reuniting

The proof of that would be the fact that Khun Sam couldn’t seem to recognize her as an old friend from the past. Even after discovering that Mon spilled some facts about her that only the closest people in her life would know.

That didn’t hinder Mon from expressing her affection and being by her side all the time, though. She became more intrigued, more curious as to what she has missed in Sam’s life for her not to anticipate the such situation.

Gap Pink Theory - Sam and Mon Sharing Their Love

As she dived deeper into Khun Sam’s complex and mysterious life, she unraveled several things that never occurred in her mind before. Not just the genuine side of Khun Sam that she got the chance to witness exclusively, but mainly, the factual cause of her never-ending adoration for Khun Sam.

It’s not the fruit of her idolization or just a mere infatuation. But something serious, something much more powerful, something that could overcome anything that would come in between, and something that would last even after death. As convenient as love and passion might seem, it wouldn’t be easy for Mon to push her feelings for Sam as she’s not even sure if the latter could reciprocate it or even accept her as a new lover. Can their story prove that love can indeed conquer everything? Is it worth fighting for? Or will it remain a fantasy, an illusion

that people likes to indulge themselves with?

Gap Pink Theory - Sam and Mon Finally Accepting Their Love

To be honest, I thought Gap Pink Theory is just another GL story that would leave me unsatisfied. I have come through a shock when I got to the end, and it was shameful every time I finished reading Gap Pink Theory. I didn’t completely expect it to be mind-blowing, entertaining, and aesthetically pleasing. Mon and Sam’s chemistry and heated passion are something I would never get tired of reading.

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Part 2: Hot Chapters from Gap Pink Theory

Chapter 1 of Gap Pink Theory

Gap Pink Theory - Little Sam with her first dog

In this first chapter of Gap Pink Theory, Mon finally set foot on Khun Sam’s well-known company. She’s nervous for two reasons. One is for the reality that it’s her first day of work, and the second is for the fact that she’s about to meet her love and idol-Khun Sam. Unsure if her boss would be able to identify her, Mon started asking about Khun Sam and what she’s like.

She didn’t highly expect to hear that the adorable person she has ever known had been spreading terror across the company because of her uptight and serious personality. They always prefer to not look at her or even approach her, indicating that she never smiled and is not a fan of social gatherings.

Shocked and confused, Mon disproves that by saying that Sam has the cutest and brightest smile. She accidentally revealed an unknown fact about her which is her soft spot for dogs.

Later that day, Sam heard of what Mon said. Khun Sam confronted her in the bathroom and asked her how she knew that she loved dogs. Mon became terrified, unsure if she would admit the truth to her.

Chapter 2 of Gap Pink Theory

Gap Pink Theory - Sam Sleeping on the couch of Her Office

To reconcile the misunderstanding that happened yesterday and provide a solid explanation, Mon went to work with resolved determination. She carried Khun Sam’s photograph that features her and her first dog. But as soon as she stepped inside Khun Sam’s office, she stopped and temporarily forgot the purpose of her courageous arrival.

She caught Sam sleeping on the couch, peacefully and looking beautiful as ever. Something warmed her heart. As a result of this, Sam got a headache, and Mon got sidetracked from her mission. Her care instinct kicked in and so she brought her medicine and called for a cab. She assisted Sam until she reached her house.

That alone has been enough and satisfying for Mon to end her day, but the heavens seemed in her favor, as Sam did something that instantly made her heart gallop faster.

Khun Sam just gave Mon her number, and Mon has never been so flustered and happy her whole life.

Part 3: Evaluation of Gap Pink Theory

Undoubtedly a 5.0!

To indicate that Gap Pink Theory is a good novel would be an understatement, and of course, an insult to its superiority.

Gap Pink Theory is one of the best novels ever written and the most beautifully constructed one that I’ve read. From the unique plot, unpredictable storyline, and three-dimensional characters, it would be impractical to not sing praises for it. It’s a no-brainer why many people love it so much, the novel itself shows all the reasons needed to support it.

Gap Pink Theory is a must-read, and highly recommended romance story. It’s available to read online so you wouldn’t have any trouble accessing.

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