Home » His Abused Mate | Werewolf Book Review

His Abused Mate | Werewolf Book Review

Now let us share with you what His Abused Mate is about.

Cassy Leporati’s His Abused Mate has some suspense, with the main character having to deal with her abusive father. She hides all her bruises with a hood and some makeup foundation every day she goes to school.

His Abused Mate sounds like a generic abused mate backstory.

But with a twist—our main heroine, Alexis is mute. She doesn’t have friends at all because everyone finds the color of her hair weird and odd.

That’s correct. Our poor heroine in His Abused Mate has a tough day at home and school. She’s being bullied, but if you’d ask her, His Abused Mate’s female lead prefers to be at school than at home. At least no one beats her at school as much as her father does.

In His Abused Mate, her father does not want her to make friends, especially with boys. He despises it whenever he smelt a male’s scent on her. Alexis will surely get another beating afterward.

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Part 1: Main Storyline of His Abused Mate

His Abused Mate Book

If you’re one of Dreame’s avid readers, you probably have read many novels with the same title, theme, plot, and everything, like His Abused Mate.

I guess that’s the effect of paranormal romance like His Abused Mate these days.

No wonder this genre is topping the reading market. And if you miss reading them but couldn’t find something new, we recommend His Abused Mate by Cassy Leporati.

You’ll feel the familiarity in the plot of His Abused Mate.

His Abused Mate book Cassy Leporati wrote, opens with Alexis being beaten by her father. It wasn’t a nice beginning but a good hook to keep the readers scrolling until the bottom of the first chapter.

Werewolves are in the minority in His Abused Mate, but they’re not completely unheard of. His Abused Mate focuses on one such werewolf and her mate.

Meeting the New Kids

His Abused Mate Book Cassy Leporati

Hunter is a future pack leader waiting for his mate for many years—but when he finally meets her at his new school, she has been abused by her father. He doesn’t know it at their first meeting.

His friends, Sam and Kyle, thought Alexis was too weak for him. They believed that Hunter needed someone stronger, someone, who was not Alexis for the pack’s sake.

But Hunter is a slave to the mate bond in His Abused Mate. He’s attracted to her and continues to pursue her to at least be her friend.

It was a struggle at the beginning.

Except for the fact that Alexis couldn’t speak, she’s been jumping in fear and purposely avoiding interaction with anyone.

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Soon in His Abused Mate, she will learn that his intention for her is pure. However, she’s afraid of her father finding out about it. Alexis is scared of their relationship because she doesn’t want to be abused again.

His Abused Mate novel is about how these two characters overcome these obstacles in their relationship, which makes it an interesting read if you like drama and romance books with a broken female lead and a protective hero who will learn to stand up for themselves!

His Abused Mate book flows well. Everything ties together nicely at the end of His Abused Mate with no loose ends in sight!

Part 2: Main characters in His Abused Mate

Now let’s get to know the two main werewolf characters in the novel His Abused Mate.

Let’s start with our mute and abused heroine, who will soon be a Luna of Blue Moon pack in His Abused Mate. Thanks for being a fated mate to Hunter Nile.

Alexis Cradle

His Abused Mate Alexis

For eight years, Alexis’ father has been beating her until he’s satisfied, and she’s bleeding to death. She had to cover all the traces of abuse because she didn’t wish anyone to know. Also, her father would threaten her that they would move out again if anyone found out.

Besides, it wasn’t like anyone would care if they ever got to know.

Alexis somewhat loves the word ‘wild’ and the thought of someone taking her away from her abusive dad.

In His Abused Mate, she is a victim of bullying. She’s mute, and kids at school make fun of her natural blue hair and dull silver eyes. She tried covering it with her hood and the bruises or bandaids on her forehead. But rude kids would pull off her hood just to laugh at her.

She was called blueberry in His Abused Mate.

His Abused Mate Dreame

Alexis is a werewolf in His Abused Mate. So, let’s see what her wolf looks like after she turns one night after nearly dying. Still soaring in pain and fresh wounds, her father takes her outside in their backyard.

It is the night Alexis shifts in this novel His Abused Mate. Her gorgeous wolf has midnight blue furs and piercing glowing white eyes. Alexis’ wolf is like no ordinary wolf.

She gained strength. Her speed and vision changed for Alexis’ benefit. She sprinted to the woods of Gifford street and away from her abusive father.

Hunter Nile

His Abused Mate Hunter

In His Abused Mate, Hunter Nile is the future Alpha of the Blue Moon pack. He wants to end his last year at school without a care in the world. He spent most of his time with his friends Sam and Kyle.

Their group is the typical famous group at school despite being newcomers. They have looks, charisma, and power.

Hunter Nile, as His Abused Mate Alexis described him, is a tall hot muscular dude who suddenly wants to talk to her one day at school. Sam and Alexis had mentioned her name, but she was surprised to see how good-looking he was.

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Unfortunately, Alexis can fall for neither of them, or she will get another beating from her father.

When Hunter Nile met His Abused Mate, he knew there was something about her—something between the two of them.

And that is the power of the mate bond in His Abused Mate book.

Part 3: Cassy Leporati – Author of His Abused Mate

His Abused Mate Book Free Online

Cassy Leporati was thirteen-year-old when she wrote the fictional world of His Abused Mate. She starts as a young writer in front of her computer.

Now, years later, the reading and writing community know about her and her amazing work. His Abused Mate has over 4 million reads on Dreame now!

Can you imagine how popular His Abused Mate is now?

Without a doubt, Cassy Leporati has come a long way since she wrote His Abused Mate.

Now she has written several books in Dreame, such as Mates with the Enemy, Trapped with the Badboy, His Criminal Rogue Mate, My Mate’s A Stripper, and Infected Blood.

Part 4: The Charm of His Abused Mate

His Abused Mate Online

Although the story is fiction, His Abused Mate touches on very real ideas in our society: domestic abuse, torture, and bullying.

Cassy does a great job of writing these scenes without being too graphic or upsetting anyone reading them who may have been through something similar (or know someone who has).

Readers will appreciate this because it allows them to enjoy His Abused Mate without getting upset while reading it!

Overall, I would recommend His Amused Mate book free of download online.

Part 5: Werewolf Novels Like His Abused Luna

Read His Abused Mate

Of course, you cannot get over a werewolf romance as good as His Abused Mate, no matter how you finished everything in this genre. You simply want more!

And that, we understand, dear readers. We prepared two more paranormal recommendations similar to His Abused Mate.

5.1. Back and Better

Another heroine who got bullied for years, Amira Warner’s bully is none other than her pack’s Alpha, Erebus Lake. She’s a fool for letting it happen to her, so when she gets a chance to leave for another pack, she wastes no time.

But before leaving, she learned that Erebus was her mate. Still, Amira left her pack and returned as a charming, sexy badass. No one can ever treat her like shit again.

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5.2. The Unloved Mate

Isabella is an Omega with a wolf named Nora, but no one does not know the latter exists. Like Alexis in His Abused Mate book, she also has a tough life. She’s been waiting for her mate to come and save her. However, all hopes come crashing down because of his rejection.

But the Moon Goddess has a different plan for Isabella. With the strength of her wolf, Isabella will take a new path and begin her magical journey.

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