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When There Is Nothing Left but Love

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Scarlett is stunned when she learns of her pregnancy with Ashton at a time when there is nothing left but love.

According to the context, the two appear to be in a difficult situation in their relationship. Let’s see how the story unfolds with an unplanned pregnancy and two lovers who appear to be at odds!

When there is nothing left but love is a novel for people of all ages. This book contains many life lessons that will help you understand what it truly means to live in a community, already hinting at the domestic theme of Scarlett and Ashton’s relationship.

It has almost every element that makes for successful romantic fiction: people you want to root for, romantic details, and a mystery that is satisfactorily solved.

Part 1: Hot Excerpts of When There Is Nothing Left but Love

Hot excerpts of when there is nothing left but love

There was a Maybach waiting outside the hospital with one of its windows rolled down by a fraction. An attractive man with a frosty expression could be vaguely seen sitting in the driver’s seat. A handsome man in a luxury car would undoubtedly garner the attention of many passersby.

Ashton Fuller was the epitome of wealth and good looks. He is a true definition of when there is nothing left but love when a female admirer catches his sight.

He had long grown used to the curious gazes of the passersby after so many years. Ignoring them, He slid into the front passenger seat. When the man who was resting with his eyes closed felt a slight movement, an indistinct frown settled between his brows. Without opening his eyes, he asked in a deep voice, Has everything been settled?

Yes! he nodded as he passed the contract signed with the hospital to him, uttering, Dr. Ludwick told me He had intended to sign the contract alone at the hospital today, but he ran into Ashton on his way here. For a reason unknown to him, he offered to drive him here, saying that it was on his way.

Hot excerpts of when there is nothing left but love

You’ll be in charge of the case. Ashton had always been a man of few words. She didn’t take the contract; instead, he gave him these instructions in a perfunctory manner before he started the car engine in when there is nothing left but love. Obeying him and carrying out his orders seemed to be the only two things that she knew how to do.

The car proceeded to the city center. It was already evening, so he wasn’t sure where he was going if not back to the villa. Despite his confusion, he never took the initiative to ask him a question. He just remained silent.

The ultrasound report was on his mind, but he didn’t know how to approach him about it. He peered at him from the corner of his eye, perplexed. He exuded a cold and distant aura as usual, his sharp and ruthless gaze fixed straight ahead.

Ashton! he blurted out. His palms grew a little clammy as he clutched his bag; it was probably due to his fraying nerves. Speak. This single syllable was barked out without a trace of emotion.

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Hot excerpts of when there is nothing left but love

He had always treated him like this anyway. After a good few seconds, the tension gradually left his body as she calmed her nerves. Taking a deep breath, she announced, I’m… Pregnant.

She had merely two words to confess, but she swallowed the second word that was on the tip of her tongue the moment his phone abruptly rang in when there is nothing left but love.

Rebecca, what’s wrong? Some people only reserve their gentle and loving side for one person. Ashton’s gentle side was only reserved for Rebecca Larson; it was plain to see from the way he conversed with her. Rebecca’s words over the phone caused Ashton to abruptly hit the brake as he spoke to her in a soothing tone, All right. I’ll be over in a while. Don’t go anywhere, okay?

As soon as the call ended, his icy expression slipped back into its place. Glancing at her, he ordered in a clipped tone, Get out. His order left no room for discussion.

Part 2: Theme of When There Is Nothing Left but Love

Theme of when there is nothing left but love

When there is nothing left but love is a story of unadulterated love, care, and the indispensable role of the family in one growing-up journey, masterfully adorned by superb writing skills.

There are typical ups and downs that an adult may experience in their life, which I find extremely relatable because I am experiencing the same difficulties. Without a doubt, I recognize myself in realistic stories, whether in the main or supporting roles.

But don’t give up before reading the entire description! While romance is central, the mix of adventures, deception, and mystery, right down to the valleys where the characters begin their adventures, will not disappoint.

This book reminded one that everyone is a product of their experiences. No one can ever fully comprehend what others have gone through, so be sympathetic to each other’s individual struggles. Be prepared to encounter serious tones, playful notes, and majestic depictions of life in every direction possible.

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