Home » The Formidable Son In-Law the Charismatic Lucas Gray

The Formidable Son In-Law the Charismatic Lucas Gray

He vanished without a trace six years ago! After six years, he becomes the unrivaled “God of War” and returns to glory, only to discover that he has a daughter he had no idea about in the formidable son-in-law, the charismatic Lucas Gray.

He had stayed in the land for six whole years. During these six years, Lucas was quickly promoted from a fresh recruit to a general who held great authority after various close shaves with death. The invincible Falcon Regiment under his command firmly guarded the vast territory around the state of Calico.

And Lucas became the most powerful God of War in the eyes of the tens of thousands of members of the Falcon Regiment because of his excellent command ability and combat power. No one dared to invade Calico anymore, as it was now well fortified.

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Part 1: Main story of The Formidable Son In-law The Charismatic Lucas Gray

Main story of The Formidable Son In-law The Charismatic Lucas Gray

Lucas achieved success, he could finally retire, even though he was only twenty-eight years old. The helicopter flew south toward the nearest airport. Lucas took out an antique pocket watch from his chest, which was a slightly yellowed photo. It was a photo of him and a young woman took six years ago with the formidable son-in-law the charismatic Lucas Gray. Back then, he was still slightly immature.

The woman’s face was beautiful, delicate, and exquisite. Her lips were pursed stubbornly, and her slanted, crystalline eyes seemed to be staring straight into Lucas’s hand through the photo. The scene that seemed like a farce at that time was still fresh and vivid in his memory.

Lucas smiled bitterly as he began to recall the events from six years ago. At that time, Cheyenne Carter, who had just graduated from college, had already established the Brilliance Corporation with her outstanding bravery and wits, thus making her a gorgeous and famous female CEO.

Her image, however, was quickly ruined. The young and beautiful CEO with a glamorous appearance had a scandalous private life, as she had an affair with the company’s chauffeur! The media made a big deal out of it, spreading malicious, speculative, and false reports.

Main story of The Formidable Son In-law The Charismatic Lucas Gray

Cheyenne’s reputation was ruined overnight, and she and her Brilliance Corporation were both thrown into jeopardy.

The public was only interested in gossip, and the Carters were only concerned with covering up the scandal. The chauffeur eventually married the Carters and became her husband. The marriage, however, did not save Cheyenne and the Carters’ image.

Everyone mocked and criticized Orange County’s most beautiful woman, who used to be everyone’s envy, and made remarks about the penniless chauffeur who married into a wealthy family. Lucas was the poor chauffeur.

They were both well aware of the truth about their marriage in the formidable son-in-law the charismatic Lucas Gray. Soon after, Lucas quietly left for the military camp, vowing to make a name for himself in order to be worthy of the woman who used to be God’s favorite.

Six years had passed, and he had finally returned successfully Lucas looked at the woman in the photograph, his emotions mixed with unfathomable remorse and apology. He was curious about how she was doing after years apart.

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Part 2: Free chapter of The Formidable Son In-law The Charismatic Lucas Gray

Chapter 2 of The Formidable Son In-law The Charismatic Lucas Gray

Chapter 2 of The Formidable Son In-law The Charismatic Lucas Gray

At the side, Jordan blinked and exclaimed, “Lucas, this kid really looks like you. Since when do you have a daughter? We’ve never heard you mention anything about it before!” Hearing this, the little girl looked at Lucas in shock and suddenly began wailing loudly. “Daddy, you’re a bad guy. You don’t want me anymore!”

Lucas was dumbfounded and at a loss, in chapter 2 of the formidable son-in-law the charismatic Lucas Gray. After some painstaking effort, he finally managed to cajole her and convince her to go to the service counter of the mall. Lucas informed the service staff about the little girl being lost and gave a thorough explanation before leaving the mall.

When he left, the little girl was bawling her eyes out, almost causing Lucas to cave in. Soon after they left, a woman hurried to the service counter of the mall and hugged the weeping little girl, extremely heartbroken.

“Mommy, I saw Daddy just now. But he said that I had mistaken him for someone else How could I be mistaken? He was Daddy!” the girl exclaimed, her lips pursed and on the verge of tears. “What?!” The woman’s body suddenly stiffened.

Chapter 3 of The Formidable Son In-law The Charismatic Lucas Gray

Chapter 3 of The Formidable Son In-law The Charismatic Lucas Gray

Lucas was sitting in the backseat of a car with a sullen expression in chapter 3 of the formidable son-in-law the charismatic Lucas Gray. Kennedy’s appearance reminded him of the past that he didn’t want to remember. Back then, he was called a bastard and an illegitimate child at a tender age and got chased out of his home together with his mother, whose assets and valuables were all seized.

He had a high, persistent fever at the time. And while holding him in her arms, his mother knelt by the Huttons’ doorstep and pleaded for help, only to hear them say coldly, “We don’t care about the lives of those who are not one of the Huttons.”

Afterward, his mother moved around and brought him to Orange County, where she worked hard to make ends meet. Although life was tough, she managed to raise him to adulthood. However, his mother developed an illness and collapsed after years of toiling and living a strenuous life.

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