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Read Save Myself from Desperation Novel Online

Save Myself from Desperation is about a young woman who escapes from an abusive family and finds love with a mysterious and powerful businessman. The novel is full of twists and turns, drama and romance. It explores the themes of family, identity, betrayal, love, and redemption.

Great start already, right? Well, just wait till you see the next story. It’s even better than you could ever imagine.

Read True Luna

Part 1: Plot Summary of Save Myself from Desperation

Save Myself from Desperation: Jessica

The story begins with a dramatic scene in which Ashley is accused of pushing Jessica down the stairs, resulting in a heated confrontation between Ashley and her third elder brother, Jeremy Ramos. Jeremy, who is obsessed with Jessica, throws a glass at Ashley, injuring her foot and leaving her bleeding. Jessica, who is actually the one who pushed Ashley, pretends to be innocent and begs for mercy, while Ashley watches the scene with despair and resentment.

Ashley, who has endured enough abuse and humiliation from her family, decides to expose Jessica’s true identity and motives. She reveals a recording of Jessica plotting to ruin Ashley’s reputation and take over the Ramos family fortune. The revelation shocks Jeremy and the rest of the family, who realize that they have been deceived by Jessica for so long. Ashley, who has regained her confidence and dignity, demands apologies from her brother and sister, and declares that she is cutting ties with the Ramos family.

As Ashley leaves the Ramos mansion, she is greeted by a car sent by Zain Kingsley, an old friend of her grandfather’s. Ashley, who is aware of Zain’s identity, accepts the invitation and enters the car. Inside, she is surprised to find Valentin Kingsley, whom had been her fiancé some years prior. Valentin and Ashley have a history together, but their relationship was interrupted by youth. Ashley, who is confused and curious, still leaves with Valentin. Ashley and Valentin drive away from the Ramos family, who are left in shock and disbelief.

Ashley had found the strength to end one bad relationship but did she just take a step into another that might end up with her on the floor.

Part 2: Main Characters of Save Myself from Desperation


Save Myself from Desperation: Ashley

Ashley Ramos is the protagonist of the book, and the reader follows her journey from a helpless and hopeless victim to a strong and independent woman. Ashley is a kind and compassionate person, who tries to fit in with the Ramos family and make them happy. However, she is constantly abused and insulted by her parents and brothers, who constantly see her as an outsider and a burden. Ashley also has to deal with Jessica Ramos, a cunning and manipulative woman who pretends to be her sister, but secretly plots to destroy her and take over the family fortune.

Ashley suffers from low self-esteem and depression, and often blames herself for the misfortunes that befall her. She feels lonely and unloved, and has no friends or allies to support her.

Ashley’s character undergoes a significant transformation throughout the novel, as she gradually regains her confidence and courage. She decides to stand up for herself and confront her family, revealing Jessica’s lies and schemes. She also reunites Valentin Kingsley, who could be a start of a new experience. Ashley learns to trust and love, and to embrace her own worth and potential.


Save Myself from Desperation: Valentin

Valentin Kingsley is the love interest of Ashley in the novel. Valentin is a mysterious and powerful businessman, who owns a multinational corporation and has connections in various fields. Valentin is a handsome and charismatic man, who attracts the attention and admiration of many people. However, he is also cold, and does not hesitate to use his influence and resources to achieve his goals.

Valentin and Ashley were engaged, but they were too young to fully understand what that meant. Valentin eventually meets her in the Ramos family, and is compelled to get close to her.

Valentin’s character is influenced by his experiences. He may be a successful and wealthy man, but he also developed a cynical and distrustful view of the world. Can Ashley melt his frozen heart? Valentin might find it hard to deal with the young woman’s charms.

The novel is worth reading for those who appreciate the writer’s competence and skill with the story, and who are looking for a novel that demonstrates the writer’s creativity and talent. Save Myself from Desperation will make the reader feel a range of emotions, from anger and sadness to joy and happiness, and that will leave the reader satisfied and fulfilled.

Another story is 888

Read True Luna

Part 3: Analyzing the Author’s Construction of Save Myself from Desperation

Save Myself from Desperation: Ashley and Valentin

Save Myself from Desperation is a novel that explores the themes of family, identity, betrayal, love, and redemption. The novel is set in the contemporary world, where the Kingsley family is one of the most influential and wealthy families in the country. The Ramos family is also involved in various businesses and political affairs, and has many enemies and rivals.

The setting of the novel reflects the contrast between the superficial and the genuine, the appearance and the reality. The Ramos family, who seems to have everything, is actually full of secrets, lies, and conflicts. Ashley, who lives in the mansion, is actually treated like a prisoner and a scapegoat. Jessica, who pretends to be a kind and loving sister, is actually a greedy and malicious impostor. Valentin, who appears to be a cold and ruthless tycoon, is actually quite warm.

The writer demonstrates their competence and skill with the story by creating a complex and engaging plot, full of twists and turns, suspense and surprises, drama and romance. The writer uses various techniques to keep the reader hooked and interested. The writer also develops the characters well, giving them depth and personality, and making them relatable and sympathetic. The vivid and descriptive language creates a realistic and immersive atmosphere for the reader.

The writer also tackles some social issues and challenges, such as adoption, abuse, amnesia, and corruption, and shows how they affect the lives and choices of the characters. The writer also shows the importance of self-respect, self-love, and self-reliance, and how they can help one overcome adversity and find happiness.

The portrayal of the power and beauty of love, and how it can heal wounds inspires hope.

Part 4: Conclusions Drawn About Save Myself from Desperation

Save Myself from Desperation: Jeremy

Save Myself from Desperation is a novel that offers a captivating and satisfying reading experience for fans of romance and drama. The novel has a well-crafted and intriguing plot, full of twists and turns, suspense and surprises, drama and romance. The novel also has well-developed and relatable characters, especially Ashley and Valentin, who undergo a remarkable transformation and growth throughout the story.

Save Myself from Desperation has a vivid and immersive setting, that reflects the contrast and conflict between the different aspects of the world and the characters. The novel delivers some positive and inspiring messages, such as the importance of self-respect, self-love, and self-reliance, the power and beauty of love, and the justice and karma of the universe.

It’s not without its flaws, however. Some readers might find the novel too predictable and clichéd, as it follows some common tropes and stereotypes of the genre. The novel can also seem too unrealistic and exaggerated, as it depicts some events and situations that are too coincidental and improbable.

The book might also seem too melodramatic and sentimental, as it portrays some emotions and reactions that are too intense and exaggerated. Some readers might also find the novel too long and repetitive, as it drags some scenes and dialogues that are unnecessary and redundant.

Overall, Save Myself from Desperation is a novel that is worth reading for those who enjoy romance and drama, and who are looking for a novel that is complex and engaging, full of twists and turns, suspense and surprises, drama and romance.

The novel is worth reading for those who are interested in the themes of family, identity, betrayal, love, and redemption, and who are looking for a novel that explores these great themes in a realistic and immersive way.

The next story awaits.

Read True Luna

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