Home » Alphas Broken Mate | Best Werewolf Romance

Alphas Broken Mate | Best Werewolf Romance

Alphas Broken Mate is a classical romance story between a mistreated she-wolf and a respectable Alpha male werewolf. Unlike any other werewolf romance books with Omega she-wolves, Catalina, the daughter of an Alpha of the Blood Forest pack, is not an Omega. Yet, everybody in her pack treats her like an Omega, even her father.

Catalina will almost always cook, clean, and do other household jobs as demanded by everybody in the Blood Forest pack.

Like any other werewolf, such things pose a traumatic POV for Catalina, and we can observe her trauma from the earlier chapters of Alphas Broken Mate. It’s not strange things for she-wolves like Catalina to generalize that every Alpha who is about to take her would ultimately treat her like a servant.

Well, just see how her relationships with Alpha Andrew of the Moon Lake pack turn out in the Alphas Broken Mate book. Will Alpha Andrew be another version of the abusive wolves in the Blood Forest pack? Or, will he become her knight in shining armor?

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Part 1: Meet The Characters Of Alphas Broken Mate

Catalina Black

Alphas Broken Mate Catalina

Catalina Black of Alphas Broken Mate is the daughter of Alpha Samson Black, the Alpha of the Blood Forest pack. These entire things should have made her into a special werewolf breed, for she possesses the Alpha blood within her. Plus, Catalina a.k.a. Cat or Lina is not an Omega.

However, everybody in her pack, including her father, treats her like an Omega slave just because she can’t seem to shift yet. These entire things produce a traumatic moment in her head, particularly everything about Alpha male werewolves in general.

Andrew (a.k.a. “Drew”)

Alphas Broken Mate Drew

Alpha Andrew (or “Drew”, for short) of the Moon Lake pack is the male MC of the Alphas Broken Mate novel. Even though he’s an Alpha, I see him as an Alpha werewolf who uses his Alpha power for altruistic purposes.

Alpha Drew of Alphas Broken Mate novel is unlike other werewolves who treat Catalina like a servant. Instead, he sends his people to properly feed Catalina and bring her to places where she can choose dresses for herself. These kind-hearted werewolves even call Catalina “Lina” instead of “Cat” and validate her individuality.

Part 2: Story Of Alphas Broken Mate

Alphas Broken Mate Novel

The Alphas Broken Mate is a fantasy romance story with werewolves as the central characters. As for the story, it is a dual-POV novel, which means, we get to enjoy the stories according to each MC’s POV. As for the MCs, we have Catalina Black as the female MC, and Alpha Andrew a.k.a. Drew as the male MC.

Catalina Black is the first MC to be introduced in the Alphas Broken Mate book. She is the daughter of Alpha Samson Black, the current Alpha of the Blood Forest pack. Catalina may not hold the Alpha or Beta position, yet, she is not an Omega she-wolf either.

Unfortunately, other werewolves, even the Beta, her father, and her brother, treat her like an Omega slave, and all she can do is only to cook, clean, and do other household chores without any regard for her limits

Story of Alphas Broken Mate

It’s all because the werewolves in Catalina’s pack don’t notice her shifts. Catalina continues to suffer from the abusive treatment of her closest ones until an Alpha from another pack greets Catalina’s father and threatens to claim Catalina as his mate.

He is Alpha Andrew a.k.a. Drew from the Moon Lake pack, a pack that bonds some sort of relationship with Catalina’s pack in the Alphas Broken Mate novel.

In Alphas Broken Mate, Alpha Andrew’s pack members also know some members of Catalina’s abusive packs, including the Gamma. However, Drew turns out to be the nice and emotionally-mature guy in the series.

He uses his powers as an Alpha to cheer Catalina up, invites his pack members to feed her and change her clothes, and validates Catalina’s “humanity” by asking about her days and calling her “Lina” instead of “Cat”, the usual nicknames that other members of the Blood Forest Pack used to call Catalina.

So, those things become my reason to love reading Alphas Broken Mate novel: It is one of the few novels that tell stories about a kind-hearted Alpha werewolf.

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Part 3: Meet The Author Of Alphas Broken Mate

Alphas Broken Mate by Elizabeth Johanne

When I stumbled upon Elizabeth Johanne’s profile on the Dreame platform, I get the impression that the author of Alphas Broken Mate is one of the most organized authors on the platform. She loves having certain dates and measuring her progress in concrete ways. For instance, we can see the completion status and the scheduled update dates for her novels in her bio.

The Alphas Broken Mate itself is the most widely-read novel in Elizabeth Johanne’s bibliography.

Until now, it has got more than 1,500,000K reads. Elizabeth Johanne herself has gathered more than 2,800K followers, and some of her followers are actively interacting with her on her social media (Facebook) fan page. This amazing Dreame author is also inviting more than 10,000K visitors to her profile page due to her specialty.

When I look at the book lists from this author, I can conclude that Elizabeth Johanne is an expert in writing romance and fantasy books, particularly the ones that involve werewolves. Alphas Broken Mate is not an exception here. I personally enjoy Elizabeth Johanne’s ways of describing the Alpha male werewolf characters.

Thanks to her eloquent writing style we no longer get tied to the domineering, ruthless, and heartless Alpha male stereotypes; instead, we get to see Alphas who use their authority, not for evil purposes, such as Alpha Andrew from the Alphas Broken Mate novel.

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